Select an item below to donate to our ongoing efforts to make our home autism friendly!
Make a donation :)
It is by no means obligatory, however as the costs for the accommodation are free, our guests sometimes ask to make a donation to the venture. Simply click on the images below to explore which item(s) suit your interest, budget and to purchase….
We’d love one beanbag or even two (apple green) for the sensory playroom. One can join the coverings over the stone stair from one floor to the next and one can go in the blackout tent to provide a comfy seat and also provide some weight keep it grounded. Price is approx. €280.00 each. The Big Joe version below can be purchased on Amazon, click on the picture for the link.
2. The dry erase board below doubles as a weighted lap pad, which aids with concentration and calming, whilst drawing. €140.00
3. We use puzzle mats to cover the stone floor and make it safe. We need eight more at €42.00 each, your choice how many you wish to order :)
4. Blackout curtains that are also soundproofing, waterproof and machine washable would also be a big help. I’m currently waiting on a quote from for custom made curtains and will post the price when this is received.
5. We’d be delighted if instead you opt to support the amazing Shangwe Mgaya on her mission to support neurodiverse children in Tanzania. Please donate to her ‘go get funding’ page, to help achieve her ambition of an autism centre for children for up to 300 children in Tanzania. Up against many odds and a force for good, she is more than deserving.